Showing posts with label ethereum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ethereum. Show all posts

Ethereum ETFs Launch TODAY - Why This is Different Than Bitcoin ETF's Launch, and May Trigger a MASSIVE ETH BULL RUN...

Ethereum ETH ETF

Late yesterday the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) officially approved Ethereum spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to begin trading today! Following in Bitcoin's footsteps, the world's second-largest cryptocurrency will now be accessible to investors through traditional markets.

Here's the list of the newly approved Ethereum ETFs and where you can find them:

  • Grayscale Ethereum Mini Trust (ETH) - New York Stock Exchange
  • Franklin Ethereum ETF (EZET) - CBOE Exchange
  • VanEck Ethereum ETF (ETHV) - CBOE Exchange
  • Bitwise Ethereum ETF (ETHW) - New York Stock Exchange
  • 21Shares Core Ethereum ETF (CETH) - CBOE Exchange
  • Fidelity Ethereum Fund (FETH) - CBOE Exchange
  • iShares Ethereum Trust (ETHA) - Nasdaq
  • Invesco Galaxy Ethereum ETF (QETH) - CBOE Exchange

In addition to these, the SEC has also given the green light for Grayscale to convert its Grayscale Ethereum Trust (ETHE) to a spot ETF, which is a big deal for those tracking crypto investments.

For those of you who are new to ETFs, or exchange-traded fund, is an investment fund that owns the underlying asset it represents—in this case, Ethereum. When you buy shares of an Ethereum ETF, you are essentially buying a portion of the Ethereum owned by the ETF, which is managed by a financial company. This way, you can invest in Ethereum without needing to buy, store, or manage the cryptocurrency yourself.

Major BULL RUN Coming?!

What caught my eye is when looking back to May when the SEC approved Ethereum ETFs (said they will allow them, but did not yet have a launch date) Ethereum made some gains but, but there were multiple positive news stories that month, mainly US traders receiving conformation ETH 2.0 will not be viewed as a Security, and Ethereum's gains in May were mostly credited to news that US exchanges wouldn't have to de-list it.

When Bitcoin ETF's received the same approval investors responded in such large numbers it was actually credited with brining back the bull market. So by the time Bitcoin ETF's launched, most investors reacting to the news did so days/weeks earlier. This also likely had investors assuming 

I don't make price predictions, but I will make a suggestion that you take a look - when the market doesn't react to the announcement, it often means it will react to the launch. 

Those offering the ETH ETF are mostly the same companies that already offer the Bitcoin ETF, and they've done quite well, bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars.  They will now promote the ETH ETF to those same investors - and selling a token via an ETF requires the company to actually buy and own the asset. 

So, just something to consider.  

Author: Oliver Redding
Seattle Newsdesk  / Breaking Crypto News

Ethereum Loses 'Deflationary' Title - #2 Cryptocurrency Hit With INFLATION For First Time...

Ethereum inflation

Ethereum just lost one if it's biggest bragging points, and its transition from a deflationary to an inflationary asset marks a potentially pivotal moment in its trajectory. While the platform continues to be a dominant player in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, these economic and market shifts warrant close observation by investors and stakeholders. 

What Happened?

Ethereum's shares the most common cause of currency inflation with governments around the world, specifically when they print too much money. There have been 68,000 new ETH issued, compared to its burning 38,000 ETH over the last 30 days - add this excess together with a bearish month, and the additional supply enters the ecosystem as inflation.

Ethereum has a system where a portion of the transaction fees (or "gas") is burned, reducing the overall supply of ETH, while another portion compensates validator nodes.

Typically this causes ETH to be deflationary - that is, when network activity is stronger, the amount of ETH burned can surpass the amount issued.

Some Perspective...

It's crucial to note that Ethereum's annual inflation rate remains relatively subdued at 0.3%, especially when compared to Bitcoin's 1.6% and certain fiat currencies, which hover around 3.7%.

Bitcoin has been categorized as inflationary due to its capped supply of 21 million coins and the halving of its block rewards approximately every four years, which restricts its issuance and, by extension, its inflationary potential. In contrast, fiat currencies, like the US dollar, can be issued without an upper limit, leading to inflation when the supply outpaces demand.

So, while 0.3% is an insignificant amount and there's no need for investors to modify their outlooks, yet, this is something worth keeping an eye on.  Unless hit with large downturn (which I haven't seen anyone predicting) Ethereum can re-take it's 'deflationary' title fairly easily. 

Plus, For the First Time in YEARS - Ethereum Users Didn't Pay the Most in Total Transaction Fees...

Another interesting thing stood out when reviewing Ethereum's previous month - a significant drop in total transaction fees. After 3+ years embarrassingly high, sometimes absurd fees - this is a good thing.

In the last 30 days, the Tron network generated $87.4 million in fees and $65.8 million in token incentives, resulting in net profits of $21.6 million. Ethereum, on the other hand, generated $82.2 million in fees but offered token incentives of $82.9 million, leading to losses of $20.6 million. "There's a lot of projects taking direct aim at Ethereum, with their main goal being to transfer some of ETH's market share to themselves' said one blockchain consultant on Reddit.

Other platforms including Lido Finance ($46.9 million), friend-tech ($30 million), Bitcoin ($27 million), Uniswap ($23 million), Aave ($8.8 million), and BNB Chain ($ 8 million), surpassed Ethereum in generating fees.

Author: Ross Davis
Silicon Valley Newsroom
GCP Breaking Crypto News

*UPDATED* Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin's Reveals How His Twitter was Hacked, Leading to Nearly $700,000 in Stolen Crypto...

Vitalik twitter hack

Story Published Sept 10

Update Added Sept 16: Jump to update

In a shocking turn of events, Vitalik Buterin's official Twitter account was compromised by hackers on Saturday, September 9, 2023. The breach led to a loss of nearly $700,000 in cryptocurrencies, highlighting the vulnerabilities even high-profile figures face in the digital realm.

The Deceptive Tweet

The hackers, with just a single tweet, managed to deceive a significant number of Buterin's followers. The tweet announced a purported free NFT giveaway from Consensys, a renowned blockchain technology company.

This was supposedly in celebration of the release of proto-darksharding, a much-anticipated update to the Ethereum protocol. The update, as claimed, would reduce the costs associated with Ethereum sidechains, commonly referred to as rollups.

The 'Drainer' Exploit

Many followers, seeing the tweet from the official account of Ethereum's creator, were lured into a trap. The link provided in the tweet redirected users to a malicious website designed to exploit their trust.

This type of scam, known as a 'drainer' tricks users into connecting their cryptocurrency wallets to a seemingly legitimate website. Once connected, the hacker can then transfer all assets from the victim's wallet to their own.

High-Value NFTs Stolen

In addition to the stolen cryptocurrencies, the hackers made away with two high-value 'Crypto Punks' NFTs. These digital collectibles have gained immense popularity and value in recent years.

The stolen NFTs were priced at a staggering 153.62 ETH (approximately USD 250,000) and 58.18 ETH (USD 95,000) respectively.


We finally have a response from Vitalik, apparent a sim swap was the method used.


Considering this involves ;social engineering' AKA fooling an employee of the phone company in to switching a phone line from the legitimate customer to phone controlled by the hacker.

While the hacker is blame,, at least a little of the blame  must go to T-Mobile whos employees should be properly trained to spot a scam that is several years old.


Author: Mark Pippen
London Newsroom
GlobalCryptoPress | Breaking Crypto News

Ethereum's Next Big Upgrade Goes Live TODAY, and $33.7 BILLION Worth of Locked Staked ETH Becomes Tradeable Again...

Ethereum's next big upgrade, Shanghai (aka "Shapella") set for Wednesday at 22:27 universal time, 6:27 p.m. Eastern US. 

With the upgrade those who staked ETH for the ETH 2.0 merge will be given access to their coins again - about 15% of the total ETH supply wroth around $33.73 billion will become tradeable again. 

Will there be a sell-off?
Ethereum's price is lower than when most people initially locked up their staked coins, so we're expecting people will continue to HODL if possible.  

Video Courtesy Of CNBC

A Long-Gone Ethereum Co-Founder Speaks Out - The DANGER of Ethereum 2.0...

While no longer part of the Ethereum Foundation, Anthony Di Iorio was one of the developers behind Ethereum when it launched in 2015. While he has since moved on to other ventures, he resurfaced this week, sharing concerns on ETH 2.0 in an interview

These concerns revolve about the level of centralization that Ethereum could reach now that the merge to Proof of Stake is complete.

Di Iorio's concern revolves around the possibility of major exchanges becoming an overwhelming number of the total validators on the network. 

At the root of the issue is the requirement to hold 32 ETH to launch a node -so exchanges holding thousands of ETH have an obvious advantage...

That's a little over $42,000 worth of Ethereum at the time of publishing - and it is reasonable to say this prices out the average person, who previously could have started mining for under $1000 if they were interested in contributing to the network. 

So\when the rule is "More ETH = more nodes" you immediately see the potential power major exchanges have by holding thousands of users Ethereum. Even many mid-size exchanges hold enough to launch hundreds of nodes.

However, users need to agree to use any ETH that they actually own, exchanges cannot decide how to allocate your holdings without permission.

So they're getting user permission by offering to share the profits - this factor is the reason many people see these nodes as decentralize.

The nodes may be initially launched by an exchange but they're made from the Ethereum of many different people, the exchanges just brought them all together.

More importantly, all these people have the power to pull out whenever they wish. 

Can these really be considered exchange-owned nodes if their users have the power to shut them down by collectively pulling out?

Still, ETH 2.0 is off to a more centralized start than many expected.  Last week nodes launched by just 2 addresses were validating 46% of total transactions.  One is a known pool, the other an 'unknown entity'... which nobody likes to hear. 

The move away from GPU mining is a double-edged sword when it comes to decentralization...

It may not be as simple as looking at who now has an easier entry to becoming a validator, but for a large number of people, Ethereum's update represents a door opening.

On that note, Di Iorio also acknowledged that the Proof of Stake model allows people from countries that have banned GPU mining to participate again (such as Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, China, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesi and more) many of them pointing to the large amount of electricity consumed by miners as their reasoning, an issue the new Ethereum now solves.

Author: Oliver Redding
Seattle Newsdesk  / Breaking Crypto News


Traders Who Shorted Ethereum Are Having a Bad Day - Over $110 MILLION in ETH Shorts Now LIQUIDATED as Gains Near 10%...

Ethereum up

Be glad you didn't bet against ETH. If you did, my condolences.

ETH's price surge began at a time a lot of people thought it would continue going down, now these leveraged positions are being liquidated at a rapid pace.

Total liquidations in the past 24 hours have reached close to $200 million...

Most occurred on Ethereum short positions, with more than than $110 million worth of liquidated assets. Notably, the largest in the overall market was a $2 million BTCUSD position that occurred on Bybit.

Other exchanges experiencing large liquidations include OKEx, Binance, ByBit, FTX, CoinEX, Huobi, and Bitmex, among others. OKEX reported up to 75% of short positions being liquidated for a total of $4.28 million, followed by Binance with $3.36 million in total liquidations.

The Ethereum community will likely prefer the upcoming update to a proof-of-stake system. Even as the Merge approaches, the price of the coin continues to fluctuate. Today's view is more optimistic, but the preceding days were not particularly inspiring.

From August 30 to September 5, the ETH price ranged between $1533 and $1577. It saw a slight increase above that threshold on September 6, however, that was the day when Bellatrix was upgraded. After the surge, the price fell to $1560 the following day, September 7, but ended at $1629.

It is not unexpected, given these price fluctuations, that liquidations are currently pushing the limits of the markets. A large portion of traders cannot maintain their positions, and exchanges are going to close them.

Things are abnormally unpredictable right now, play it smart...

While many would argue the smartest play is simply not using any leverage, the reality is that advice will be ignored by many people regardless.  So, at least meet in the middle, and perhaps use a bit less leverage than you normally would, and set stop losses so you always sell before you liquidate your positions. 

Even while many experts believe that the best move is to avoid using any kind of leverage at all, the fact of the matter is, many people are going to disregard that advice regardless.

At the very least, come to a compromise and consider using less leverage than you typically would. If you're not using stop losses so you always sell before you liquidate your positions, start using them now (you already should have been, in any market condition).


Author: Adam Lee 
Asia News Desk Breaking Crypto News

ETHEREUM Creator talks BITCOIN: His Two Biggest Concerns for Its Future...

Vitalik Buterin on Bitcoin

In an interview before the Ethereum network finally migrates to the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, the co-creator of that protocol, Vitalik Buterin, criticized the Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism,he claimed to be "concerned" about the safety of Bitcoin in that regard.


First is a long-term concern for the security of the network, referring to the situation that Bitcoin mining will experience when new BTC are no longer issued, approximately in the year 2140. Vitalik said that "it will come entirely from transaction fees." "And Bitcoin is simply failing to earn the level of fee revenue required to secure what could be a multi-billion dollar system," he noted.

For that year, miners' earnings are expected to depend only on commissions. Thankfully, there's more than a century left before that.

His second issue revolves around the Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism used to verify transactions, he insists that it is less than what Proof-of-stake(PoS) can offer if measured per dollar spent in transaction fees. 

However, he clarified that he's aware there's no sign this will ever happen: "the migration of Bitcoin out of Proof of Work appears to be politically unfeasible," referring to those in the Bitcoin developer community who raised the possibility of Bitcoin one day changing from PoW to PoS were met with overwhelming resistance.

One of the main reasons the Bitcoin community is against changing to PoS, is that they believe PoS based tokens give too much power to large stakeholders...

Buterin addresses this, saying; "They are based on the misconception that PoW and PoS are governance mechanisms, when in fact they are consensus mechanisms. All they do is help the network agree on the correct chain. A block that violates the protocol rules (if it tries to print more coins than the protocol rules allow, for example) will not be accepted by the network, no matter how many miners or participants support it."

Ironically, he's sharing these opinions while Ethereum itself is on the verge of switching from PoW to PoS...

Perhaps this is a subtle way to address concerns some may have about Ethereum's upcoming change -  he's addressing them, but as a hypothetical Bitcoin migration to PoS. 

"The funny thing is that bitcoiners (who tend to be the most pro-PoW) should understand this well, as the Bitcoin civil wars in 2017 very well demonstrated that miners are quite powerless in the governance process," he suggested. "In PoS, it's exactly the same: the participants don't choose the rules, they just execute them and help order the transactions." 

However, Ethereum Developers faced virtually no resistance from the community when proposing the change to PoS, with the exception of miners whos concerns were based on their personal profits, not the overall wellbeing of the network. 

Ethereum makes the move from PoW to PoS later this month, maybe.  There's been too many delays to count, and I've learned Ethereum 2.0 is a "I'll believe it when I see it' thing now.

Author: Justin Derbek
New York News Desk
Breaking Crypto News

Michael Saylor Still Pushing Bitcoin after Stepping Down as CEO of MicroStrategy - Tells Elon Musk to "BUY MORE"...

Michael Saylor, a well-known Bitcoin advocate who had earlier announced his resignation as MicroStrategy CEO, responded to Elon Musk's ironic tweet about wanting to buy the Manchester United football team coin.


Saylor responded to Musk saying he'd 'prefer' if he bought more Bitcoin.

A better response would be something including reasons to buy Bitcoin, besides pleasing Michael Saylor... but okay.

Musk said in February 2021 that Tesla had purchased BTC for $1.5 billion and had begun taking it as payment for its electric vehicles. However, the payment method was removed in April due to contentious concerns about Bitcoin miners and the effects they were having on the environment.   

In spite of this, Tesla kept all of that Bitcoin until recently. In the second quarter of 2022, the corporation sold off 75% of its Bitcoin, leaving only $218 million in the cryptocurrency's balance. The corporation purchased Bitcoin for $31,620 and sold it for almost $29,000 per unit.

Musk says he hasn't sold any of his privately owned crypto...

Musk did clarify, though, that he was not selling his personal cryptocurrency holdings, only those that belonged to Tesla, the company. 

Musk has mentioned owning Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the coin he says he continues to buy more of, Dogecoin.

Author: Oliver Redding
Seattle Newsdesk  / Breaking Crypto News

New Data Shows Majority of Transactions were TOTALLY LEGAL on Now-Banned Crypto 'Mixer' Tornado Cash...

Tornado Cash

Last week we covered news that the US Treasury Department had sanctioned Ethereum's controversial transaction mixer, Tornado Cash, for allegedly enabling money laundering.

This was only the second time the US government has taken such an action against a crypto mixing site.

However, a deep analysis of blockchain transaction data is showing the platform was mostly used for completely legal activities...

In fact, just over 30% of the funds sent to that protocol were used for money laundering, at least according to one blockchain analytics firm. 

Slowmist, which included their findings in a report on blockchain security, using the first 6 months of 2022, they found Tornado Cash received total deposits of 955,277 ETH (worth $1.7 Billion at current prices), with 300,160 ETH being related to potential illegal activity. 

This means that there's no (known) legal issues with approximately 70% of the operations of the platform.

If you read the US Treasury Department's press release announcing the sanction against Tornado Cash, you would have the impression that the site was built for, and only used for illegal purposes.  They described it as “A virtual currency mixer that launders the proceeds of cybercrimes, including those committed against victims in the United States."

For some perspective: If true, the study shows Tornado Cash may equally as popular with criminals as printed US Currency...

If we go by the estimates of Harvard University Professor of Economics Kenneth Rogoff - up to 34% of printed money is currently being used to facilitate illegal transactions.

But if I had to guess what primary factor was in the US government deciding to officially act against Tornado Cash, it would be the news that North Korean hackers, aka the 'Lazarus Group' were also using the mixer to launder crypto the have been obtaining through various, always illegal methods. 

Author: Mark Pippen
London News Desk 
Breaking Crypto News

Billionaire Investor Says Crypto Has His Attention - The "Big Way" He May Invest, and the Coin He Would Buy First...

Carl Icahn

Billionare investor Carl Icahn is "not an investor yet" when it comes to crypto - but it has his attention.  

He is the founder and controlling shareholder of Icahn Enterprises, with $27.7 billion in assets.  He is also credited with creating the "Activist Investorinvestment strategy, which is now used by hedge funds around the world.  The strategy is basically that when a hedge fund owns 10% or more of a company, they can use the threat of selling their stock to pressure a company to change policy they disagree with.

Not Looking To 'Dabble' In Crypto...

He's not talking about getting his feet wet, he's someone who dives in.

 Icahn says
 he'd enter the market in "A big way for us, you know, a billion dollars, billion and a half dollars, something like that." refusing to be any more specific on the amount, he added "I'm not going to say exactly."

He Gets It..

Ichan says he disagrees with what he hears crypto's critics saying, saying he sees the value of some crypto assets clearer than the dollar, stating "The only value of the dollar really is because you can use it to pay taxes."

What Could He Buy?

He's done his homework, clearly, which makes me think his plan to invest isn't all talk. 

Bitcoin, in his opinion, is only practical as a store of value, whereas Ether can be used as a store of value and as a payment item - so he prefers Ethereum.

He elaborated, saying, "Ethereum is the underlying blockchain. So, Ethereum has two things you can use as a payment system or you can use the store of value." So, you need Ethereum, the blockchain, to assure you that you have something. You never had that before where you can buy a cryptocurrency and you can say, 'I’m safe' because you have the blockchain makes it very safe for you. I’m oversimplifying. " While not quite as clear as his other statements, I think I get where he was trying to go. He's saying that whether it be a token that uses the Ethereum blockchain, or an NFT, the ledger is a trustworthy tool to give an accurate account of your assets on that blockchain.

A Flood of Institutional Money Incoming?

Icahn is among other heavyweights such as Ray Dalio, Stanley Druckenmiller, and Paul Tudor Jones, all of whom have expressed recent interest in expanding their investments into the crypto market.

Author: Oliver Redding
Seattle Newsdesk  / Breaking Crypto News

MAJOR SECURITY FLAW in Metamask... Discovered By 'Good Hackers', Fixed Before Bad Ones Could Use It!

Metamask security hole

The world's most popular Crypto wallet Metamask announced they have patched a security hole that potentially could have been a DISASTER.

Thankfully, it was first discovered by 'good hackers' who immediately informed Metamask of the flaw, and told them how to fix it.  Going by the name 'The United Global Whitehat Security Team' (UGWST), the organization was able to claim a $120,000 reward for finding the vulnerability.

Metamask tells us that there were no users affected by this vulnerability. UGWST seems to be the first and only to discover it, and they only shared their findings with Metamask.

The strategy consists of camouflaging malicious code on a site so that the user clicks on it without realizing it. For example, if you fall into clickjacking , by clicking "Play" on a video you could be conferring access to your funds in a wallet.

Metamask developers immediately fixed it...

Only users of the browser extension were ever at risk, but this is the most popular method of accessing Metamask wallets.  The hackers demonstrated launching Metamask an iframe (that is, a website within another website) and setting it to 0% opacity, in other words in a completely transparent window - user would have no idea it existed.  Then it's a matter of tricking the user to click specific locations on their screen, unaware they're actually pressing an invisible button that confirms a transaction.

It could look like a pop-up ad, but the 'X' to close it is actually the button to confirm sending all your Ethereum to someone, for example.

Make Sure You're Up To Date...

By default Metamask automatically updates, but double check yours to be safe.  Open Metamask, go to 'settings', then 'about', and make sure you have version 10.14.6 or above.

If any of those numbers are lower, you need to update. 

Hacking for good can be a profitable venture...

Metamask awarding the bug finders $120,000 is a very common practice, virtually all major players in tech offer a 'bug bounty' giving hackers an alternative, completely legal way to turn their discoveries into profit. 

UGWST, the organization that discovered this has also helped Apple, Reddit, Microsoft, and performed security audits for and OpenSea. 

Author: Oliver Redding
Seattle Newsdesk  / Breaking Crypto News / Dimefi Review

This Week’s Top Crypto Picks For Value...

The past few weeks have been volatile for the crypto market. The ongoing situation in Ukraine and inflation, have seen an increasing number of investors concerned about entering a renewed recession, and with that a new crypto winter.

While these claims may be exaggerated for the time being, it is true that cryptocurrencies haven’t been faring so well since the start of 2022. Nevertheless, occasional corrections in the market remain healthy and help prevent the formation of speculative bubbles which can have disastrous effects once they burst.

With many blue-chip cryptocurrencies having experienced double-digit declines over the past weeks, we believe this is a good time to stack up on your favourite coins, particularly so if you are long-term oriented and confident in cryptocurrencies’ long-term potential against the short-term high volatility.

Following are two top crypto picks which may be providing good value at current levels, and one cryptocurrency which you’ve never heard of is about to start its presale!

Algorand (ALGO)

MIT professor and cryptography specialist Silvio Micali launched the project Algorand (ALGO) back in 2019. Little did he know how successful this project would become, now ranking in the top 30 largest cryptocurrencies, boasting a market cap nearing $4.5 billion.

Algorand is a Layer 1 (L1) project that is EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible, which offers a solution to the scalability and latency issues faced by the Ethereum (ETH) network.

In essence, Algorand seeks to enable users to conduct fast and cost-efficient transactions, something that has become increasingly challenging to do on Ethereum due to a sharp increase in users over recent years, which in turn contributed to congesting the network.

Interestingly, despite being a top-of-the-line project, Algorand rarely received as much spotlight as some of its more flashy peers Solana (SOL), Terra (LUNA), or Avalanche (AVAX). Yet, this hasn’t prevented Algorand from gaining momentum over the past year.

Notably, Algorand resorts to the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, making it significantly faster and less energy-intensive than Proof-of-Work-based networks such as Ethereum or Bitcoin (BTC).

As such, Algorand has been dubbed an “Ethereum killer”, a sobriquet given to these projects which address blockchains’ widespread scalability issues and have the potential to replace Ethereum as the mainstream network in coming years. Other well-known Ethereum killers include BNB Chain (BNB), Cardano (ADA), Solana, Terra, Avalanche, and Fantom (FTM), amongst others.

Earlier this year, the Algorand team revealed the development of the "London Bridge”, which would make the Ethereum and Algorand blockchains interoperable and create significant additional synergies for both projects.

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Since it was introduced in the middle of 2020, Shiba Inu (SHIB) has become one of the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market.

This popularity was notably aided by the regular tweets of Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk, who repeatedly praised the cryptocurrency along with its distant brother Dogecoin (DOGE), notably due to its lean functioning and low energy consumption.

This important institutional attention led major exchanges such as Coinbase, Binance, or FTX to list SHIB on their respective platforms, accelerating the cryptocurrency’s rise to prominence.

Now, the Shiba Foundation has been striving recently in order to move away from the stereotypical meme coin image associated with its project, and move closer to the status of a “serious project”.

As such, the Foundation announced several upgrades aimed at improving the overall utility of the Shiba ecosystem. Notably, Shiba Inu will deploy a native decentralised exchange (DEX) called Shiba Swap, along with a promising metaverse development initiative called “SHIB: The Metaverse”, accessible on and which will start pre-selling its limited land parcels imminently.

These initiatives further expand the Shiba ecosystem, making it all the more credible as a serious and durable project, and attractive to the eyes of new investors.

CashFi (CFI)

It is safe to bet that you never heard about this project, and that’s normal. Indeed, CashFi (CFI) is currently finalising its development and is expected to initiate a presale for its native ERC-20, CFI, shortly.

Currently, only the project’s whitepaper has been released. The document details a project with ambitious prospects which could make for an interesting presale if the CashFi team manages to put its plans into action.

In the whitepaper’s terms, CashFi aims to develop a next-generation decentralised platform that would combine on-chain interoperability with off-chain collaboration through a multichain ecosystem including a range of Web3-based solutions for users.

Concretely, CashFi aims at building an all-in-one ecosystem that will allow users to trade with stable liquidity and access a variety of services such as staking, synthetic assets trading, cross-chain NFT minting, and so on...

CashFi will issue CFI, its native Ethereum-based token, in order to improve user experience across its ecosystem. Those who own CFI tokens will be able to participate in the project's governance and have a say in how the project evolves.

CFI’s initial presale price has yet to be announced but is expected to be released in the coming days by the development team. The following weeks will be a make or break for the CashFi team!

For more information on CashFi:





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DeFi Coins with Great Potential: Chainlink (LINK), Fantom (FTM) and Calyx Token (CLX)...

Calyx Token

While there is no question that Chainlink (LINK) and Fantom (FTM) are well-established tokens and great investments for the long term, a new token known as Calyx (CLX) has a fair opportunity to turn out to be a decent prospective long-term investment.

Fantom has followed in the footsteps of Chainlink and has become a popular DeFi cryptocurrency. It has managed to effectively use the power of community together with a good use case.

Meanwhile, the Calyx Token (CLX) aids in switching tokens between several blockchains with the touch of a button and is decentralised, enabling users to stake coins and administer the protocol via a DAO.

Let us go a little more into these three coins and determine whether they are worth investing in.

Chainlink (LINK)

Since October 2018, Chainlink (LINK) has made significant progress. Oracles that allow smart contracts to execute safely in response to verified real-world events are essential, given that smart contracts serve as the basis for DeFi.

Chainlink originally offered cryptocurrency price data to DeFi protocols such as Aave through a restricted number of sources. However, it currently incorporates a considerably larger scope of operations.

In addition, AccuWeather and the Associated Press have teamed with Chainlink to verify data, and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has joined as an adviser, the latest signals that major tech and media are taking note of Chainlink's increasing possibilities.

Later this year, Chainlink will include staking, which will enable LINK holders to contribute to network security by encrypting a part of their LINK and collecting incentives.

LINK has fallen more than 82 percent of its value from its all-time high, indicating that now may be the optimum moment to purchase due to its substantial upside potential for 2022.

Fantom (FTM)

Fantom (FTM) is a smart contract platform that provides developers with a range of DeFi services.

Fantom's (FTM) primary emphasis is transaction speed; the firm claims to have reduced transaction speeds to under two seconds. The FTM token can be staked to get rewards and is the native currency which enables the platform's transactions.

Since Fantom has a faster transaction processing speed than Ethereum (ETH), the leading DeFi ecosystem, 2022 might be a pivotal year for the Fantom’s business.

In a few years, Fantom (FTM) could even rival Ethereum (ETH) and might be one of the greatest investments in 2022.

Calyx Token (CLX)

Calyx Token (CLX) intends to improve the experience of individuals who purchase cryptocurrencies via exchanges but are irritated by the slow and expensive process.

This procedure will be eased by the network's Calyx Swap, which allows users to swap between tokens in a single transaction at the best available prices across all DEX platforms.

Total decentralisation is also a key value of Calyx (CLX). The permissionless exchange procedure of the protocol will not require users to establish an account or register.

According to the roadmap, the token will first function on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain, with ambitions to spread to additional blockchains in the future.

In addition, Calyx Token (CLX) will be community-driven, maintained, and regulated by individuals who own the native token CLX, courtesy of CalyxDAO. 

As the Calyx Token (CLX) grows, it will empower the community by enabling them to vote on and execute crucial network choices. Given its use case and great growth possibilities, the CLX cryptocurrency is a solid investment.

Therefore, investors seeking cryptos with a significant track record of success can consider investing in both Chainlink (LINK) and Fantom (FTM).

Meanwhile, Calyx Token (CLX) is available in presale and might be your ticket to becoming the next cryptocurrency millionaire.


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3 Coins That Can Revolutionise The Crypto Space: Solana (SOL), Synthetix (SNX), Mushe (XMU)

The crypto space is riddled with promising projects that have the potential to change the financial system and society for the better, but how to find them?

Analysing the crypto market can be a daunting task, particularly to those who are new to the field, between the technical jargon and all these complicated metrics.

This article will present three such promising projects that have the potential to revolutionise the crypto space in the future - one of these, Mushe (XMU), is currently in the first stage of its presale.

Solana (SOL)

Solana (SOL) is one of the most popular Layer 1 (L1) projects of the moment. Although it has faced multiple roadblocks in the shape of hacks and other online attacks, Solana has managed to maintain its position as a top 10 cryptocurrency.

Solana gained notoriety as an “Ethereum killer”, owing to its network's ability to process transactions at lightning speeds for pennies. In fact, Solana's network can execute up to 65,000 transactions per second (TPS), compared to Ethereum’s throughput of about 15 TPS; data speaks for itself!

Solana's native cryptocurrency, SOL, has risen over 5% in the last day, now trading around $92.00. For those seeking exposure to Solana’s explosive performance and strong growth prospects, investing in SOL might just be the ideal and most direct way to do that.

Now, the general sentiment amongst crypto market analysts is that, due to the project’s popularity, SOL is now trading in overvalued territory, history shows that investors are not necessarily worried about chasing SOL at these levels, which can maintain SOL in overvalued territory over prolonged periods.

However, over the past two weeks, SOL has been trending lower, which might be a cautious opportunity for investors to start building their position. It remains that investors must remain wary of entering a euphoric market, although SOL remains a wonderful cryptocurrency to own for the long term.

For now, Solana's greatest challenge resides in properly securing its network and defending it from future attacks in the coming months. Nevertheless, Solana has proven its resilience by surviving major attacks while other projects would have collapsed, making it a watchlist essential!

Synthetix (SNX)

Synthetix (SNX) is another lesser-known Ethereum-based protocol that will undoubtedly pick your interest if you don’t know it already. 

In essence, Synthetix is a decentralised liquidity protocol that enables investors to access so-called "synthetic assets”, which can be defined as a type of derivative that acts as a reflection of traditional assets such as stocks or bonds.

This is enabled by a specific type of data-tracking smart contracts called oracles, which continually monitor the progress of a specific underlying asset. Synthetic assets are therefore a game-changing asset class that allows investors to invest in real-world assets without directly owning the underlying asset.

For instance, assume that you wish to purchase shares of Apple but can’t because you somehow do not have access to brokerage services. Synthetix solves this problem by allowing you to purchase a synthetic, blockchain-based version of Apple shares - you don’t even need to hold the actual Apple shares at all!

In order to do that, you will simply have to lock a pre-specified amount of SNX tokens, the Synthetix native currency, in order to mint and buy the desired synthetic asset.

On-chain derivatives such as synthetic assets remain relatively unknown or misunderstood by the general public and are expected to grow at an exponential rate in the future. SNX can be an excellent investment for investors seeking exposure to this emerging field.

Mushe (XMU)

Mushe (XMU) is another project full of ambition that is currently in launching mode.

Its native token, XMU, is currently priced at roughly $0.022, a noticeable increase from its initial price of $0.005. However, the Mushe development team set the ambitious goal of reaching a listing price of $0.50 for XMU official launch.

Mushe is a project built upon the ideal of an environment that would harmoniously combine both fiat and cryptocurrency transactions, and create a more interconnected financial system.

Similar to other leading giants like Ripple (XRP) or Stellar (XLM), Mushe will leverage blockchain technology to create an innovative network that will enable near-instant transactions in any currency, fiat or crypto, and at a minimal cost.

To fulfil this ambitious project, Mushe is developing a line of products with the goal of having an all-in-one, user-friendly final platform. These products will include the Mushe Wallet, Mushe Chat, Mushe Swap, and MusheVerse.

Mushe Wallet and Mushe Swap will respectively be the Mushe ecosystem’s built-in crypto wallet and decentralised exchange (DEX), allowing users to navigate the ecosystem easily and access any cryptocurrency or token they need for their transactions.

Aside from that, Mushe will be developing the MusheVerse, its overarching product which will enable users to actually perform transactions and move money seamlessly. MusheVerse will not only act as a payment network, but also provide users with access to specific financial services such as personal banking, household finances, long-term investments, and others.

These initiatives set high expectations for Mushe’s market launch, you can access the project’s official website, linked below, for more information about it and its presale.

Learn more about Mushe:






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