Tesla Was Secretly HODLing Their Bitcoin For Awhile - Short Term Price Target Moves To $56,000...

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Tesla buys bitcoin

Everyone agrees that today's bitcoin price movement is thanks to Tesla, who announced a $ 1.5 billion purchase in BTC. 

We have also now confirmed that the purchase did indeed take place mid January of this year, but did not go public until today.

Just a few hours after the news was released, the price of bitcoin rose from $ 39,000 to over $ 44,000.

$50,000+ Bitcoin On The Horizon?

Optimistic expectations for this year seem to be found everywhere. According to various analysts in the Bitcoin and financial world, there has already been a profit taking period. 

Because people filled their need to take some profits after the previous all-time high last month - they're now mentally prepared to accumulate, and HODL.

Averaging ​the predictions of my 3 favorite analysts after todays news, the new short-term price target would be $56,000.

Author: Justin Derbek
New York News Desk

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