City in Argentina Supports Ethereum Blockchain Powered Voting...

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The city of San Lorenzo, in the south of the province of Santa Fe, Argentina, announced that the results of the voting on projects that will be financed by the municipality have been registered in a blockchain based on Ethereum.

According to a press release , the integration of the Argentine Federal Blockchain (BFA) platform was carried out in the 2019 edition of the Participatory Budget of the city, in order to improve the transparency of the voting processes, since anyone can consult them.

Some operating details of this allowed, public and open source blockchain are found in the repository stored in GitLab. There it can be read that BFA works by means of the Consensus of Authority consensus protocol and that all transactions made in the network are free, since the gas necessary to carry them out is distributed to the nodes periodically through an intelligent contract called Distillery.

The implementation of the Argentine Federal Blockchain technology for registering the votes of the Budget is the first approach that the Municipality of San Lorenzo gives to cryptoactive technology. However, other regions of the country, such as the Province of Misiones and the Marcos Paz Municipality have experimented with this technology for waste management and to reward the timely payment of taxes and civic actions such as recycling.

Author: Enrique Gonzales
South America News Desk

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